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May 2022 Librarians’ Update


Lesson plans from Ohio History Connection have been added to Open Space. These 28 lesson plans for grades 6-12 are aligned with Ohio’s Learning Standards for Social Studies and English Language Arts. The plans feature activities, like the one pictured below, using primary source documents available through the Ohio Memory Collection, a collaborative project between Ohio History Connection and the State Library of Ohio. Students will explore the topics of World War I, Immigration, World’s Fair, and the Atomic Age.

visual of an example lesson from Ohio History Connection

Open Space a curriculum creation and collaboration tool powered by INFOhio empowers educators to create and share resources that promote innovative and collaborative learning. Instructional materials added to Open Space go through an evaluation process using a quality rubric. In addition to finding quality instructional materials, Open Space users can view and rate resources and also share content to Google Classroom. 

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