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Welcome to NEOnet Technology Integration!

My name is Dan Niessen, I am the Technology Integration Specialist at NEOnet, and I will be your instructor for all of the EdTech sessions you do with us! I was a High School Social Studies teacher at a few different schools around the Cleveland area, but now I teach teachers about ways to make the most of classroom technology. I look forward to seeing everyone in our training sessions!

The Technology Integration service offers Educational Technology Professional Development to educators and school staff, see more below

Sign up for Updates
Keep up to date with latest in EdTech, plus all of the Classroom Tech PD Opportunities at NEOnet

Upcoming EdTech Training

Weekly Educational Technology Training Sessions at NEOnet or through Zoom
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PD On-Demand

Growing library of 50+ recorded EdTech Webinars. CEUs and Graduate credit are available!
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On-Site PD

Schools can schedule EdTech PD at their buildings with NEOnet's Technology Integration Specialist
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Open Educational Resources

Searchable collection of Open Educational Resource websites, all of which are vetted for quality and to ensure no-cost for teachers.
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