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Student Services Open Lab

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Student Services Open Lab


Infinite Campus Beginning of the Year Process

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

This session will provide information on certain activities that need to be performed within Infinite Campus prior to the first day of school.


Interactive Teaching with Tech

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

The biggest change that technology has brought to education is the fact that teachers can add interactivity to every step of the learning process. This session will showcase many technology tools that make direct instruction, reading, videos, images, and worksheets more interactive.


Student Services Open Lab

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Student Services Open Lab


Pear Deck Interactive Lessons

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Pear Deck transforms slideshows into interactive lessons with drawing activities, multiple choice questions, and more! This session will show teachers everything they need to know about Pear Deck.


Nearpod Interactive Lessons

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Easily make your direct instruction more interactive! Nearpod is an excellent learning tool that puts a modern and interactive spin on traditional lectures, activities, and videos. This session will get you comfortable with creating lessons and teaching with Nearpod!


DASL Back to School Session (Virtual)


DASL Back to School Session (Virtual) Please join our Zoom Meeting using the following connection: Meeting ID: 940 3781 5003


DASL Back to School Session (Virtual)


DASL Back to School Session (Virtual) Please join us at: DASL Back to School Meeting ID: 989 0465 3304


2023 NEOnet Library Mini-Conference

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room A 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Join us Monday, August 7th for the 8th annual NEOnet Library Mini-Conference! Get your school year off to the perfect start, with an engrossing day of learning and fun with your library colleagues.  We have put together an outstanding roster of knowledgeable and engaging presenters.  They will share their ideas and insights on some of […]


Elementary Scheduling Work Session

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Elementary Scheduling Work Session

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If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).