eFP Coffee Collab – Fund Accounting: Reprinting Checks
VirtualHi everyone! Welcome to the eFinancePlus bi-weekly meetings! We will be focusing on Fund Accounting and best practice of reprinting checks. During each meeting, we will first go through any ideas/items we have to present, and then open the floor to questions or processes that you may need help with. If you have any questions […]
GradeBook User Principal/Guidance
VirtualZoom Only: https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/99935359712 Meeting ID: 999 3535 9712
MRSC Board of Directors
Cuyahoga Falls Board Room 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesInfinite Campus – Ad Hoc Reporting (Virtual)
Filter Designer Query Wizard Selection Editor Pass-through SQL Query Data Export
Fiscal Open Lab
Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesThese lab’s are available for both eFP and State Software Fiscal Staff.
WorkFlows Advanced Reports
Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesCreate templates, customize reports and learn how to use reports to help manage your library
5 AI Tools for Teachers
Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room C 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesThis session will demonstrate 5 Artificial Intelligence apps that can add tremendous value to any classroom. These tools use modern AI technology to help teachers prepare lessons, differentiate, write important messages, and more!
GradeBook Report Cards
Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United Stateshttps://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/94516171462 Meeting ID: 945 1617 1462
eFP Coffee Collab – Human Resources/Payroll – eSERS Enrollment Report Setup
VirtualHi everyone! Welcome to the eFinancePlus bi-weekly meetings! We will be focusing on Human Resources/Payroll and Fund Accounting on alternating weeks. During each meeting, we will first go through any ideas/items we have to present, and then open the floor to questions or processes that you may need help with. If you have any questions […]
EMIS Alliance Troubleshooting Graduation Reports
Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesThis hybrid session will focus on troubleshooting the reports to verify graduation data. OUTLINE (Subject to change) Overview of Reports and Requirements Grad Issues – Please Review Report Newly Assigned to Grad Cohort Report Graduation Cohort Pathway Reports Grad Cohort Year Status Reports Graduation Gen Issues Reports CTE Grad Cohort Reports Join Zoom Meeting https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/94536885233 Meeting […]
State Software Tips & Tricks
This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York) Dial […]