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The Pear Deck Content Orchard is a growing searchable library of hundreds of Pear Deck lessons. Many of which feature content from partner organizations like Newsela, Everfi, Canva, PBS Newshour, and more! Simply find one you like and use it in Google Slides or PowerPoint.

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    [0] => astra-theme-css
    [1] => astra-learndash
    [2] => astra-google-fonts
    [3] => tribe-events-pro-mini-calendar-block-styles
    [4] => event-tickets-tickets-css
    [5] => event-tickets-tickets-rsvp-css
    [6] => event-tickets-plus-tickets-css
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    [22] => learndash_quiz_front_css
    [24] => learndash
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    [30] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton
    [31] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton-full
    [32] => tec-events-elementor-widgets-base-styles
    [33] => h5p-plugin-styles
    [34] => datatables-styles
    [35] => uotc-group-quiz-report
    [36] => custom-bootstrap
    [37] => astra-addon-css
    [38] => learndash-front
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    [61] => elementor-post-45097
    [62] => elementor-post-45151
    [63] => elementor-post-22167
    [64] => elementor-post-4427
    [65] => tribe-events-v2-virtual-single-block
    [66] => wp-h5p-xapi
    [67] => event-tickets-rsvp
    [68] => TribeEventsWooTickets
    [69] => snc-style
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    [71] => elementor-icons-ekiticons
    [72] => wc-blocks-style
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    [74] => dce-tooltip
    [75] => elementor-post-45124
    [76] => core-block-supports
    [77] => core-block-supports-duotone
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