As part of the Library Services and Technology Integration Services team, NEOnet boasts a 600-square foot Makerspace facility. The space provides a variety of equipment and high-quality professional development opportunities facilitated by our knowledgeable team, and is aligned with best practices for both the science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) and project-based learning initiatives. NEOnet also partners with the Summit Educational Service Center to provide curriculum assistance that incorporates state standards. NEOnet delivers the support you deserve to help your district remain current on the latest technology trends.
Customer Benefits
- Professional development opportunities focusing on both STEAM and project-based learning.
- Free open lab time for district staff to experiment with equipment before implementing in their own district.
- Assistance in creating curriculum-based projects using the makerspace equipment.
- Opportunity to borrow equipment from the NEOnet Makerspace to use for projects in-district.
- Ability to reserve the room for school district use.
Current equipment available:
- Sphero robots
- Ozobot robots
- Tinkertoys
- Legos
- Wooden blocks
- littleBits
- Makey Makey
- Raspberry Pi
- Green screen
- Digital camera
- Video editing
- Silhouette Cameo
- Tshirt press
- Sewing machine
- Serger
- Makerbot 3D printer
- Augmented Reality sandbox
- Art Supplies
- Chromebooks