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Hosted Exchange

NEOnet’s hosted exchange service allows customers to access email anywhere, anytime on almost any device. If a situation occurs with your email, our knowledgeable team is committed to delivering a prompt, courteous response to all of your technology questions and service needs. NEOnet delivers the support you deserve.

Customer Benefits

  • Reduces staff or purchased services required to maintain and troubleshoot Exchange
  • No locally-owned hardware requirements
  • Centralized management and support while still providing local control
  • No hidden costs for upgrades and support 

Service Features

  • Software support and maintenance
    • No annual software maintenance contracts to manage and pay – all included in the service
    • All upgrades and enhancements included in the service – no need to bring in an outside vendor to upgrade local hosted equipment
  • Hardware support and maintenance
    • No annual on-server hardware maintenance contracts to manage and pay – all included in the service
  • Distributed administration
    • Single pane of glass for distributed administration of user accounts and mailboxes
  • Service and Reliability
    • NEOnet support for complex design questions and changes
    • Geographically redundant backup and recovery
    • Integration with Active Directory

Optional Features

  • Email Archiving
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    [0] => astra-theme-css
    [1] => astra-learndash
    [2] => astra-google-fonts
    [3] => tec-tickets-seating-frontend-style
    [4] => tribe-events-pro-mini-calendar-block-styles
    [5] => event-tickets-tickets-css
    [6] => event-tickets-tickets-rsvp-css
    [7] => event-tickets-plus-tickets-css
    [8] => astra-child-theme-css
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    [25] => learndash
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    [31] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton
    [32] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton-full
    [33] => tec-events-elementor-widgets-base-styles
    [34] => h5p-plugin-styles
    [35] => datatables-styles
    [36] => uotc-group-quiz-report
    [37] => custom-bootstrap
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    [39] => learndash-front
    [40] => widget-icon-list
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    [65] => elementor-post-45097
    [66] => elementor-post-45151
    [67] => elementor-post-4427
    [68] => tribe-events-v2-virtual-single-block
    [69] => wp-h5p-xapi
    [70] => event-tickets-rsvp
    [71] => TribeEventsWooTickets
    [72] => snc-style
    [73] => teccc-nofile-stylesheet
    [74] => elementor-icons-ekiticons
    [75] => wc-blocks-style
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    [77] => dce-tooltip
    [78] => elementor-post-45124
    [79] => core-block-supports
    [80] => core-block-supports-duotone
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Password Reset
If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).