- Assembly
- Audit Committee
- Board Meetings
- Committee Meetings
- Continuous Improvement
- DataMap
- Educational Operating
- Educational Technology Services
- eFP
- eFP Coffee Colab
- EMIS Alliance
- EMIS Connections
- EMIS Services
- Finance Committee
- Fiscal Reports Committee
- Fiscal Services
- Governance
- GradeBook
- HealthMaster
- Hybrid Training
- Infinite Campus
- LGCA Treasurer
- Library Services
- Media Services Advisory
- Open Lab
- Professional Development
- SameGoal
- Sps Special Services
- Student Services
- Technical Services
- Technology Advisory
- Technology Integration
- Treasurers Operating
- Woodridge Local
- No events scheduled for August 20, 2023.
Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls- No events scheduled for August 26, 2023.
Week of Events
Introduction to WorkFlows and Circulation
Introduction to WorkFlows and Circulation
Introduction to WorkFlows, ISearch and Fetch, and basic Circulation functions (check in, check out, renew, item search, check item status)
SpecialServices Refresh User Training
SpecialServices Refresh User Training
Zoom Only: https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/94603340346 Meeting ID: 946 0334 0346
Fees Management in Infinite Campus
Fees Management in Infinite Campus
Fee Type Setup Creating & Assigning Fees Managing Fee Payments Reports
GradeBook for Teachers
GradeBook for Teachers
How a Teacher uses GradeBook – For anyone who would like to see how a teacher uses GradeBook. A review of what integrates from DASL to GradeBook. GradeBook for Teachers Teacher Home Page Classes – Edit List to HIDE Share Classes Assignment Types Staff Email Class Dashboard Roster Icons Daily Comments Student Profile tab Contacts […]
SameGoal User Training
SameGoal User Training
Zoom Only https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/96028741043 Meeting ID: 960 2874 1043
State Software Tips & Tricks
State Software Tips & Tricks
This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York) Dial […]
Student Services Open Lab
GradeBook for Teachers
GradeBook for Teachers
https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/99223832386 Meeting ID: 992 2383 2386
Fiscal Open Lab
SpecialServices Refresh User Training
SpecialServices Refresh User Training
Zoom Only https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/99776954516 Meeting ID: 997 7695 4516
Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
This introductory class features adding additional copies, adding call numbers, using SmartPort to import MARC records, adding Brief Titles, User and Item labels, Shelflists, and Overdues and Notices