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Student Services Open Lab

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Student Services Open Lab


Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

This introductory class features adding additional copies, adding call numbers, using SmartPort to import MARC records, adding Brief Titles, User and Item labels, Shelflists, and Overdues and Notices.


Library WorkFlows Updates and Refresher

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Whether you are a seasoned Workflows pro or a new user, this attendee question led session will provide a variety of tools and tricks for library software use. Topics covered will include the most recent Workflows updates and changes, common problems and their solutions, and everyone’s favorite- reports.


eFP Coffee Collab- HR

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Topic:  Payroll Snapshot This is a bi-weekly meeting for eFinancePlus districts. Once a month we will focus on HR and the other will Focus on FAM. These meetings will be scheduled for an hour. We will have ideas/items to show and afterward, the floor will be open to asking any questions that districts might have, […]


Student Services Open Lab

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Student Services Open Lab


Quarter Balancing

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

We are going to go over the Redesign NEOnet's documentation and spreadsheet for balancing your quarter. When you sign up we will send you the documentation so you can print out all the reports before arriving at NEOnet.


Special Services Refresh User Review

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room A 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

New User Training – This training is for any new staff to learn how to Create New ETR, IEP, 504 Plans, Edit Forms, Manage Banks, Verify EMIS, Print, Complete, Amend Data, View IEP Summary, and Create Progress Reports. This meeting is Hybrid, will be at NEOnet room A and Via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting […]


MRSC Board of Directors

Cuyahoga Falls Board Room 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Special Services SameGoal User Training

Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room A 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

SameGoal User Training – This training is for any SameGoal user to Create New ETR, IEP, 504 Plans, Edit Forms, Manage Banks, Verify EMIS, Print, Complete, Amend Data, View IEP Summary, and Create Progress Reports. Please join us at NEOnet room A or via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 963 7706 2718 Passcode: […]


GradeBook Beginning of the Year Follow Up

Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Join us for an IN PERSON lab to tie up loose ends!  We will go over: ParentAccess Deleting old Registration Keys, Generating New Parent/Student account setup District Welcome Page Staff Security Making sure the role fits the duty Cleaning up and deleting old staff Students Deleting withdrawn/graduated students

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