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Infinite Campus End of the Year Process


This session will provide information on certain activities that need to be performed within Infinite Campus at the end of the school year.

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    [0] => astra-theme-css
    [1] => astra-learndash
    [2] => astra-google-fonts
    [3] => tribe-events-views-v2-bootstrap-datepicker-styles
    [4] => tribe-events-views-v2-skeleton
    [5] => tribe-events-views-v2-full
    [6] => tribe-events-views-v2-print
    [7] => tribe-events-filterbar-views-v2-1-filter-bar-skeleton
    [8] => tribe-events-filterbar-views-v2-1-filter-bar-full
    [9] => tribe-events-filterbar-views-v2-print
    [10] => tribe-events-pro-views-v2-print
    [11] => tribe-events-virtual-skeleton
    [12] => tribe-events-virtual-full
    [13] => tec-events-pro-single
    [14] => tribe-events-pro-mini-calendar-block-styles
    [15] => event-tickets-tickets-css
    [16] => event-tickets-tickets-rsvp-css
    [17] => event-tickets-plus-tickets-css
    [18] => astra-child-theme-css
    [19] => wp-emoji-styles
    [20] => wp-block-library
    [21] => ultp-gutenberg-blocks
    [22] => global-styles
    [23] => custom-ek-icons
    [24] => wpdm-font-awesome
    [25] => wpdm-front-bootstrap
    [26] => wpdm-front
    [27] => uncannyowl-learndash-toolkit-free
    [28] => ultp-frontend
    [29] => woocommerce-layout
    [30] => woocommerce-smallscreen
    [31] => woocommerce-general
    [32] => woocommerce-inline
    [33] => learndash_quiz_front_css
    [35] => learndash
    [37] => jquery-dropdown-css
    [40] => learndash_lesson_video
    [41] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton
    [42] => tribe-events-v2-single-skeleton-full
    [43] => tec-events-elementor-widgets-base-styles
    [44] => h5p-plugin-styles
    [45] => datatables-styles
    [46] => uotc-group-quiz-report
    [47] => custom-bootstrap
    [48] => astra-addon-css
    [49] => learndash-front
    [50] => widget-icon-list
    [51] => widget-search-form
    [52] => widget-nav-menu
    [53] => animatecss
    [54] => dce-animations
    [55] => dce-modal
    [56] => widget-woocommerce-menu-cart
    [57] => widget-image
    [58] => e-shapes
    [59] => widget-icon-box
    [60] => widget-text-editor
    [61] => e-swiper
    [62] => widget-heading
    [63] => widget-posts
    [64] => widget-animated-headline
    [65] => widget-login
    [66] => widget-form
    [67] => elementor-frontend
    [68] => elementor-post-8
    [69] => dashicons
    [70] => e-popup-style
    [71] => wpdt-elementor-widget-font
    [72] => elementor-post-45097
    [73] => elementor-post-45151
    [74] => elementor-post-5248
    [75] => elementor-post-4427
    [76] => wp-h5p-xapi
    [77] => teccc-nofile-stylesheet
    [78] => elementor-icons-ekiticons
    [79] => wc-blocks-style
    [80] => dce-dynamic-visibility
    [81] => dce-tooltip
    [82] => elementor-post-45124
    [83] => core-block-supports
    [84] => core-block-supports-duotone
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Password Reset
If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).