GradeBook Beginning of the Year Follow Up
Cuyahoga Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga FallsJoin us for an IN PERSON lab to tie up loose ends! We will go over: ParentAccess Deleting old Registration Keys, Generating New Parent/Student account setup District Welcome Page Staff Security Making sure the role fits the duty Cleaning up and deleting old staff Students Deleting withdrawn/graduated students
Redesign Office Hour
This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York) Dial by […]
Open Educational Resources
Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room E 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga FallsOpen Educational Resources are places where teachers can find thousands of pre-made lesson plans and activities. Some OER focus on content areas, Project Based Learning, or use a specific Technology Tool. This session will explore several places teachers can find OER.