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Category: Administration Updates

April 2022 Update

EDM Monthly Update Overview April 2022 Essential Discount Marketplace Update’s NEOnet’s Essential Discount Marketplace (EDM) is an online procurement tool that ensures best value pricing through the competitive bid process.  The EDM is outfitted with optional direct to ERP punch-out ability as well as credit card checkout.  Our online marketplace community is a one-stop-shop for

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NEOnet Welcomes New Membership of Three Northeast-Ohio School Districts to Consortium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Matthew GdovinP: 330.926.3900, ext. 601100E: NEOnet Welcomes New Membership of Three Northeast-Ohio School Districts to Consortium CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH – (September 4, 2018) – In July, NEOnet (Northeast Ohio Network for Educational Technology) welcomed three local school districts as new members of the information technology center’s (ITC) consortium. The three

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    [74] => core-block-supports-duotone
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