To sign up trainings click here: Please remember you have to sign into the website in order to click RSVP. All trainings will be held in NEOnet lab unless otherwise noted:
6/14/23- EMIS Alliance Working Assessment Missing Lists 8:30 AM Hybrid
6/14/23- Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
6/28/23- Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
7/12/23 Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
7/26/23 Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
General ProgressBook Suite Update
As communicated in several of our end of year roundtables and meetings the look of some of the applications in the ProgressBook Suite will be changing this summer. ProgressBook has created short videos that include a sneak peek of the user interface changes. These are not training videos, but simply a quick overview to help your district users get used to the changes. More documentation, videos, and communication will come as soon as the summer release is applied.
GradeBook for Teachers:
DASL Update
As middle schools and high schools wrap up their scheduling season here are some friendly tips to remember:
- You may want to run Promotion/Enrollment one more time to ensure there all the students who enrolled at the end of year are in 23/24 and need to be scheduled.
- The R426 is a good report to locate students who did not get the course requests they wanted fulfilled by the batch scheduler.
- The R415A and R415B report will help you locate students who have empty or free periods.
- Study Hall Wizard can be used to fill free periods. However, don’t run the Study Hall Wizard until all of the following conditions are met:
✓ You are sure the Batch Scheduler no longer needs run.
✓ You are satisfied with the results of the Batch Scheduler.
✓ You’ve resolved the majority of student’s conflicts.
✓ You are ready to fill in the rest of the student’s open periods with study halls.
NOTE NEW THIS YEAR: Once the Schedule is finalized for the 23/24 school year, you are not able to run the Study Hall Wizard. A message displays The Study Hall Wizard can not be run when the schedule is finalized.
Lastly, as elementary schools begin their scheduling season some items to remember: use the R407 report to review all course groups and course sections before bulk assigning to your students, remember to review Homeroom Maintenance screen to ensure correct teachers are in correct homerooms, and always remember that NEOnet has plenty of Open Labs and Elementary Scheduling work sessions where we can provide you hands on assistance with your elementary scheduling process!
DataMap Update
Congratulations to everyone on finishing another fantastic school year! Please remember to update your Assessment data one final time to finish the school year. Also, June 15th we will have new assessment results for the OST. This data will first need to be loaded in StudentInformation then loaded DataMap. If you are a district that loads your report card marks in DataMap, please ensure to load your marks after your final report cards have been produced to ensure all marks are updated.
Data Load Services:
We have several new districts starting DataMap Data Services for the 23/24 school year. If your district is having difficulty finding the time to keep you data up-to-date in DataMap, please contact us. This may be a service that may benefit you!
Training requests:
I have started getting contacts from districts requesting dates for DataMap Refresher training. If you are interested or considering a DataMap Refresher or if your district is interested in starting the RIMP process or using Interventions for this coming school year, please contact me as soon as you have a date in mind so I can get you penciled on my calendar.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at any time. We are always more than happy to help. I wish everyone a beautiful, joyful summer!
EMIS Update:
For the FY23 school year, WebXam provided a partial file of CTE assessment results. The Partial file includes results for assessments taken before April 21, 2023, and have been loaded to the district’s SIS. The missing list is turned on and contains results from the WebExam preliminary file – tests taken through May 5, 2023.
CETE will release a final file to ITCs the week of June 16, including ALL WebXam results for the FY23 school year.
Due to two files needing to be uploaded, and the complexity of avoiding duplications to be uploaded into SIS, NEOnet will be uploading your WebXam scores to SIS. NEOnet will notify districts once the final file has been loaded into SIS.
StudentInformation/DASL EMIS On the evening of July 21st, StudentInformation switches over to the 23/24 school year
Starting Monday, July 23rd, NEOnet will begin Fall Initialization for those that use StudentInformation DASL.
The Fall Initialization process syncs up Student Profile fields for the 23/24 school year with profile fields from 22/23 from the end of year.
Since districts have completed student promotion for the 23/24 school year, changes may have been made to the FS, FD, and FN screens since that time.
StudentInformation allows districts to make changes to records in the new school year before the initialization process. Districts may not want Fall Initialization to touch records they’ve already changed in 23/24. In that case, a feature is provided to flag students that should not have their EMIS records synchronized with the prior year’s records. The user will be able to indicate which EMIS record types should be excluded from the Fall Initialization process for each student. By default, all students will be updated by the Fall Initialization process unless the flag FS, FD, or FN is marked to exclude the student from the Fall Initialization process. Exclude boxes are located at the bottom of FS, FD, and FN screens.
Information pertaining to Fall Initialization will be sent out to district EMIS coordinators prior to starting the process.
It is already time to start planning your 2023-2024 GradeBook Integration process! Please review the options below and contact us if you have any questions.
In-Person/Self-Administered: A district can choose to attend an open lab to do their GradeBook setup.
NEOnet Administered: A district may have NEOnet do their Beginning of Year Setup. Complete the GradeBook Integration Survey and select the date you would like Integration completed.
GradeBook Integration 2023/2024 Survey:
GradeBook Meeting/Training August 2023: