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Defining the Cloud: NEOnetā€™s Cloud Network & Key Features

Defining the Cloud: NEOnetā€™s Cloud Network & Key Features Ā What is the Cloud? The Cloud is any hosted application or service that is leased or purchased outside of the environment in which it is being utilized. For example, Google offers Cloud storage via Google Drive. A user can store all of their documents and pictures


NEOnet Offers Unique Solutions for District EMIS Coordinators

NEOnet Offers Unique Solutions for District EMIS Coordinators One of the main issues that school districts face is keeping up with the changing requirements for EMIS coordinators. The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is constantly updating their requirements that coordinators use to process data reported through EMIS. EMIS coordinators are central to understanding the requirements


10 Ways to Integrate Technology into the Classroom

Technology integration in the classroom goes beyond just having technology tools readily available. When teachers are planning lessons, they need to evaluate their class to see if the technology being used fits their studentā€™s needs. Based on current technology trends, NEOnetā€™s Technology Integration Specialist JC Williams recommends 10 ways technology can be integrated into a

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