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Education Technology Services Information

NEOnet provides software, support and training to assist participating schools in integrating educational technology. Please review our matrix of services to see if one of our offered services is something your district needs but may not have considered. The Educational Technology department’s primary responsibilities include Technology Integration Services, Library Services, and Makerspace. You can learn more and access details about these services with the information cards below.

Technology Integration Services

Technology integration specialist provided customized trainings
Learn More

Library Services

SirsiDynix WorkFlows library software, support and training
Learn More


In-house Makerspace facility and trainings
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    [0] => astra-theme-css
    [1] => astra-learndash
    [2] => astra-google-fonts
    [3] => tribe-events-pro-mini-calendar-block-styles
    [4] => event-tickets-tickets-css
    [5] => event-tickets-tickets-rsvp-css
    [6] => event-tickets-plus-tickets-css
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    [67] => TribeEventsWooTickets
    [68] => snc-style
    [69] => teccc-nofile-stylesheet
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    [78] => core-block-supports
    [79] => core-block-supports-duotone
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If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).