April 2022 Student Services Update


April, 2022- Student Services Update

To sign up trainings click here:  https://dev.neonet.org/neonet-events/ Please remember you have to sign into the website in order to click RSVP. All trainings will be held in NEOnet lab unless otherwise noted
4/13/22 DASL EMIS Calendar 22/23 Exceptions 1:00 PM
4/21/22 Gradebook & DASL Admin Roundtables begin at 9:00 AM- Hybrid
4/21/22 Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
4/25/22 DASL EMIS FY22 EMIS “S” Student & Grad “G” Checklist- Hybrid
4/27/22 DASL Elementary Scheduling 1:00 PM
4/28/22 DataMap Roundtable 9 AM Hybrid
4/29/22 Special Services User Meeting 9:00 AM- Hybrid
5/4/22 Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
5/6/22 Educational Operating Committee Meeting- 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Hybrid
5/9/22 EMIS Alliance Troubleshooting FTE Reports 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm Hybrid
5/18/22DASL Elementary Scheduling 9:00 AM Virtual Only
5/18/22 Student Services Open Lab 1:00 PM
5/23/22 EMIS Alliance Working missing assessments lists (WAML) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Hybrid

Special Note: Pencil May 6th to spend some time with us!
On May 6th, the Student Services team along with our director Matt Gdovin, will be conducting our Spring Educational Operating Committee meeting. The meeting will consist of a consortium update from our director and team that we anticipate lasting around an hour. In addition, after that hour is up, we will be doing software demonstrations and answering your questions about products like SameGoal, Healthmaster, and EMIS Cross Check. The schedule of presentations is located on the event registration on our website.

Roster Verification-

Beginning April 13 through May 3 the Teacher Roster Verification portion of this yearly project is open. Teachers can review and refine their class rosters during Roster Verification to ensure that their classroom time is linked to the correct students, for the correct subjects and the proper amount of time. If a teacher is missing a class please remember that it may be quicker for the teacher to ask their Principal to copy a class to their dashboard rather than creating one from scratch.

Then between May 4 and May 19 Principals must return to the Roster Verification process to do the final review and approval portion.

Please use this URL for fantastic resources and videos on how teachers and principals can complete the 2022 Roster Verification https://ohio-k12.help/rosterv/learning-center/

In addition, if any questions arise you can contact rvlink@neonet.org or https://www.ohio-k12.help/rosterv/rvhelp/

DASL Update
In the upcoming Spring 21.3 DASL release, changes are coming as to how membership (aka Program) codes that begin with 51xxxxx, will be maintained and transferred to EMIS data collector. These graduation seal codes will now be maintained on the Student Exemptions/Requirements page. A one-time script will run at the time the release is installed to move any existing 51xxxxx codes to the Student Exemptions/Requirements page. Your district may want to discuss the optional, but beneficial prep work to add the 51xxxxx codes before the release is applied.

The NEOnet team did a presentation to EMIS Coordinators on how this will work. If you missed the presentation and would like to see the recording please contact studenthelp@neonet.org . It will also be presented again at the April 21st Roundtable.

EMIS Update:
The FY23 EMIS Changes webpage has been updated, and a number of changes have been posted for public comment.  Among those changes for FY23 is change #23-94, New Exiting Student Follow-up Record and Collection, which is a fairly significant change due to State law and the biggest change for FY23.
With updates to the report card law (ORC 3302.03(D)(2)(f)), ODE is required to include follow-up information for post-graduate outcomes on school and district report cards for students who earn diplomas in the prior year.   Graduates receiving a diploma in FY22 will include this follow-up data on the Fall FY23 LRC.  This will be listed on the LRC as a ‘report only’ measure and is not rated.  The report card post-graduate outcomes include information related to post-secondary enrollment, apprenticeship programs, employment, and military enlistment.

Many of these data points are also required for the CTE Workforce Development Follow-up and for a follow-up on special education students currently conducted outside of EMIS by the Office for Exceptional Children.  This would be a high degree of overlap in the students included in these three follow-up collections.  Due to these overlaps, EMIS will be eliminating the current March (D) Follow-up Collection and the CTE Workforce Development (GV) Record.  Replacing them with a new record type (FW) and a new collection that includes the students and data needed for all three follow-ups.

The initial collection for this combined follow-up will start in fall 2022 and be based on student enrollment and graduation status during the 2021-2022 school year.  The idea is that once the Graduate (G) collection ends, ODE will publish the list of students who need follow-up information reported, so districts can start reporting the data.  One of the changes the Feds have made for CTE follow-up under Perkins is that it must be completed and submitted by the end of January.  So, ODE will have to collect the CTE follow-up data either before Christmas break or the first week after the holidays to allow time for an appeal window since this is the data that Federal Perkins appeals are based on.  This collection will need to close in late December or the first week of January, follow-up by a quick appeals process in order for ODE to get CTE follow-up data to the Feds by January 31.  The follow-up collection will re-open sometime in February and will remain open through the summer to report Graduate follow-up, Special Ed follow-up, and CTE updates if needed.

ODE will be discussing this more on the Change Calls at the OAEP Conference and will include information for Public Comment in early May.

Collections Closing:                                                                          

March Follow-Up – Closes 4.15.22

Midyear Student Collection – Closes 4.29.22

Collections Opening:

Five Year Forecast – Required Spring Update – Open 4.1.22

Spring Early Learning Assessment Grades 3-8 – Opens 4.21.22

Data Appeals

FY22 CTE March (D) Follow Up – Appeal window 4.18.22 to 4.29.22 Deadline to submit corrected data in EMIS for approved appeals is 5.6.22

This school year the GradeBook team has sent out weekly “In The GB Know” If you missed a week and are interested in the content please reach out to studenthelp@neonet.org

In addition, we are excited to announce next school year we will be moving the weekly topics to our website as GradeBook Know-Hows. These will be located on our website by logging in and going to Services-Student Services-Gradebook (or https://dev.neonet.org/in-the-gb-know/)

Special Services- SPS Refresh

This school year Special Services team has sent out weekly “In The SPS Know” for SPS Refresh application. If you missed a week and are interested in the content please reach out to studenthelp@neonet.org

In addition, we are excited to announce next school year we will be moving the weekly topics to our website as Special Services Know-Hows. These will be located on our website by logging in and going to Services-Student Services-Special Services (or https://dev.neonet.org/in-the-sps-know/ )

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